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Effective help with addictions in

 Beccles Bungay and Online


If you’re looking for addiction help, you can be confident that hypnosis could help you. Maybe you have tried to help yourself break your addiction before, but have found that no matter how hard you try, it ambushes you at your weakest moments. Hypnosis can help you to be free of the clutches of addiction by helping you train your brain to come out of the addictive trance state before it happens.

The approach to addiction help is to focus on the psychological elements driving the behaviour. I believe these are much more important than any physical factors, although physical elements are part of some addictions. Whether it’s drugs, cigarettes or chocolate, or an addiction to a behaviour such as gambling or cleaning , The methods I use can give your unconscious mind the help it needs to find and choose another option in place of your addiction.


Addictions that can be helped with hypnosis include:

Drugs, Alcohol, Cigarettes, Chocolate, Gambling, Porn, Sex, Shopping, Work, Food, Social media, Internet, Phone. News.